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8 Inspiration & Collation Tools for Building Your Brand Moodboard

Brand Identity
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First strategy, but then what?

It’s time for visuals, baby!

Here at Maker & Moxie we like to call this Defining Your Vibe. And step numero uno? 

Moodboard that magic!

Putting together a moodboard is one of the most important steps in the branding process because it sets up the rest of the brand identity process for success. Doing this right will save you a lot of time, resources, and effort down the track.

There’s a lot that goes into crafting the perfect moodboard, but in essence it goes: 

  • Step 1: Inspiration
  • Step 2: Collation 

And we’ve got some of our favourite tools here to help you work your way through both steps! 

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Step 1: Inspiration


The go-to platform for finding inspiration for all things, including your brand design elements. Search for and save your ideas to boards, from design to art, photography, logos, typography, lettering, signage, and more.

screenshot of Pinterest board full of colourful patterns


Known as most people’s go-to for stock photography, Unsplash is fab for gathering images for your moodboard, including textures and patterns.

screenshot of textured images on Unsplash


Designspiration is full of inspiration from art to architecture, photography, web design, typography and more. Plus you can search by colour!

Screenshot of Designspiration website showing a grid of image results for a search by colour

Step 2: Collation


I use Miro for virtual brand strategy sessions, but it’s also fab for collating your brand design inspo into a moodboard using their template!

Screenshot of Miro's moodboard template, featuring six images.


Milanote is a tool for organising creative projects, including your brand! Here’s a moodboard I created using their product.

Screenshot of a moodboard made in Milanote full of orange, yellow, and navy images.


Canva’s got a range of templates for a bunch of design projects, including moodboards! Grab a template like this & drop your inspo in, then use those assets in your Canva account to keep things consistent!

Screenshot of a moodboard in Canva made up of four orange and blue images and illustrations


Figma is a design tool that’s also a great option for creating moodboards. Either start from scratch or find a template like this in the community!

Screenshot of a moodboard in Figma made up of 11 tiled inspiration illustrations.


Adobe Illustrator is an all-round design tool, meaning its endless options includes moodboards!

Screenshot of a moodboard in Adobe Illustrator featuring 9 pastel images.

When you're ready to define your vibe, these tools are ready to help you make that happen. And before you know it, you'll be rocking your brand new identity!

And if you want to know exactly what to include in your moodboard and how to do it, check out this blog post!

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August 24, 2021



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